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ABout 'Divine Hope'

Divine Hope Ministries is a Charitable and non-profit organization Registered No.37/2014 under the Societies of Act 35 ,2001 in Andhra Pradesh, India. DHM activities include humanitarian involvement with children who are in dire need of physical, social and spiritual deliverance and transformation.

DHM works among street children, child laborers working in the unorganized and organized sectors, children working as domestic help, children affected by physical / sexual / emotional abuse in family,  children who need emotional support and guidance, child victims of the flesh trade, victims of child trafficking, children abandoned by parents, run-away children, children who are victims of substance abuse and children whose families are in crisis Some of DHM activities include providing children with food supplement and nutrition, providing study materials for school going kids, providing medical care and conducting medical camps for the kids and their parents,  vocation trainings to empower children, alternative livelihood for families of children living in poverty, educational assistance, guidance and counseling for children etc.


Isaiah 40:31 - But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Our Core Value


Love is the basic value from which the other values flow. We are touched, inspired and motivated by the love of Jesus Christ.


Promoting justice will reduce the vulnerability of the poor, especially the children, and improve their resilience. Justice gives the poor and marginalised people their rightful place in society. It prevents discrimination based on economic background, religion, race, gender or caste.


Compassion prompts us to address immediate and urgent needs quickly. Compassion prevails even when justice fails.


It is the poor in general and the children in particular, who suffer most in an environment of strife, violence, unrest and chaos. Only a peaceful environment can promote sustainable development. Reconciliation paves the way for a peaceful environment.


We believe that God has entrusted various resources to us as His stewards. We are accountable to Him and to people on how we use these resources. Therefore all our activities are characterised by truthfulness, transparency, accountability and dedication.

Brief History of DHM

Rev. V. John Babu is a second generation Christian, and his father Rev. David Raju miraculously saved from the family of Idol worshiping, witchcrafts and blind beliefs. God called Rev. David when he was suffering with ‘Hematemesis’ (vomiting of blood) and near to the edges of death.  As soon as receiving the call from Lord Rev. David gave his life to God, resigned his job and became minister of Lord Jesus Christ and proclaiming Gospel to the unreached groups of Andhra Pradesh. David and his family are impacting the lives of People and set the captives free by the power of Gospel.


John grew up in very Godly way and dedicated to the ministry of God. While he was at the age of 15, Lord saved him and called to the ministry. He went to Bible College and completed M.Div., started Divine Hope Ministries with the Vision given by God. Now DHM is involving in reaching the people, sharing the Gospel and Caring the Community both spiritually and physically.

The ministry is committed to helping people from all walks of life experience the unconditional love and unending hope found only in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

''Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit''. - Romans 15:13

Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. - Jeremiah 17:7